CS 320/CSE 302/ECE 392

Introduction to Parallel Programming for Scientists and Engineers

MP3 - Due Monday, March 16



Implement in OpenMP the blocked version of the cyclic reduction algorithm presented in class. This algorithm is a generalization of the blocked algorithm presented in class for parallel prefix. Notice that the blocked parallel prefix presented in class is a vector algorithm and for this exercise we are asking for an OpenMP version. In fact, although in MP2 we asked for a direct translation of each Fortran 90 operation into OpenMP, in general is not a good idea to first develop a vector algorithm and then do a direct translation.

Thus, if you wanted to develop a parallel prefix program in OpenMP the translation should not be a direct one. In particular, the loop

do i=2,

C(i,1:P) = C(i-1,1:P) + C(i,1:P)

end do




should be represented in OpenMP as follows


c$omp parallel do

do j=1,P

do i=2,

C(i,j) = C(i-1,j) + C(i,j)

end do

end do


This loop accomplishes the same thing as the vector loop, but is more efficient than the doubly-nested loop with an inner parallel loop.


For the bonus 50 points, you should develop a Fortran 90 algorithm for cyclic reduction that follows not the array order of vectors a and b, but the order indicated by a vector of pointers.


As usual, solutions should be left in your home directories under the name mp2.f and mp2.bonus.f.