OpenMP (Fortran) and MPI (Fortran or C).
If time allows: High-Performance Fortran, Linda, pC++, SplitC.
Linear algebra algorithms such as matrix multiplication and equation solvers.
Symbolic algorithms such as sorting.
At the circuit level: Adders and multipliers do not consider one digit at a time but rather operate on several digits at the same time. This design strategy was used even by Charles Babbage in his mechanical computer design of last century.
At the processor-design level: The execution of instructions and floating-point operations is usually pipelined. Several instructions can execute simultaneously.
At the system level: Computation and I/O can proceed simultaneously. This is why multiprogramming increases throughput.
"Assuming that nothing basic in manufacturing or physics breaks in the next couple of years, there is no reason the historical trend in microprocessor performance will slow." Robert Colwell, Computer January 1998.
Named after a 1964 observation by Gordon E. Moore of Intel.
It holds that "The number of elements in advanced integrated circuits doubles every year."
Many claim that the era of this law is coming to an end sometime around 2010 for several reasons:
See the 1991 report from the General Accounting Office on Industry uses of supercomputers and high-speed networks.
Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI).
Its main objective is to accurately simulate nuclear weapons in order to verify safety, reliability, and performance of the US nuclear stockpile. Several highly-parallel computers (1000s of processors) from Intel, IBM, and SGI are now being used to develop these simulation
Discussion taken from Almasi and Gottlieb: Highly Parallel Computing. Benjamin Cummings, 1988.
1. A processor that performs instructions such as "add the contents of these two registers and put the result in that register"
2. A memory that stores both the instructions and data of a program in cells having unique addresses.
3. A control scheme that fetches one instruction after another from the memory for execution by the processor, and shuttles data one word at a time between memory and processor.
However, these statements are translated by a compiler into the machine instructions just mentioned. For example, the previous assignment statement would be translated into a sequence of the form:
LD 1,B (load B from memory into register 1)
LD 2,C (load C from memory into register 2)
ADD 3,1,2 (add registers 1 and 2 and put the result into register 3)
ST 3,A (store register 3's contents into variable A's address in memory)
Furthermore, a cluster consists of a collection of interconnected whole computers (including I/O) used as a single, unified computing resource.
Not all nodes of a distributed memory multiprocessor (such as IBMs SP-2) need have complete I/O resources.
Tasks are a central concept in parallel programming.
A task is a sequential program under execution. The programmer may assume that there is a processor devoted to each task. (There may not be a physical processor, but the operating system will time-share the real processors to give the illusion of one processor per task. It is said that the operating system creates a "virtual machine".)
Parallel programs consist of two or more tasks. Each task may contain private data (local memory). That is, data that only the tasks can access.
There are two main programming approaches used frequently to generate tasks:
The SPMD model will be discussed shortly.
We will illustrate the explicitly spawning strategy next in the context of shared-memory parallel programming.
To illustrate this model ,consider the following very simple program
read b,c,e,g
d=f3(h, g)
print q
where f1, f2 , f3 , and f4 are very complex functions, and a , b , c , d , e , p , and q are complex data structures.
A simple parallel program for this is:
read b,c,e,g
start_task sub(e,g,d)
print q
subroutine sub(e,g,d)
local h
d=f3(h, g)
end sub
The program starts as a single task program and then a second task is initiated. The second task proceeds by executing subroutine sub .
The computations of variable a and variable d proceed in parallel.
The original task waits for the second task to complete before proceeding with the computation of q. Waiting is necessary to guarantee that d has been computed before it is used.
In this program, all variables except for h can be shared by the two tasks. In fact, only variables e , g , and d are accessed by both tasks.
Notice that because h is private to the task, a new copy of h will be created every time start_task sub is executed.
Consider the following program:
read b,c,e,g
start_task sub(b,c,a)
call sub(e,g,d)
print q
subroutine sub(e,g,d)
local h
d=f3(h, g)
end sub
Two copies of sub will be executing simultaneously, and each will have its own copy of h .
In message passing programming, all variables are private. Variable are shared by explicitly "writing" and "reading" data to and from tasks.
The following code is equivalent to the first shared-memory code presented above:
read b,c,e,g
start_task sub()
send x(e,g)
receive y(d)
print q
subroutine sub()
local m,n,r,h
receive x(m,n)
r=f3(h, n)
send y(r)
end sub
Here, x and y are communication channels. The send operation is asynchronous: it completes immediately.
The receive operation is synchronous: it halts execution of the task until the necessary data is available.
Thus, thanks to the send and receive operations, the values of variables e and g are tranferred from the original task to the created task, and the value of d is transferred in the opposite direction.
Notice that no wait operation is needed. The receive y(d) operation does the necessary synchronization.
An alternative approach, message passing, uses the names of the destination tasks rather than channels for communication.
Usually, message passing systems start one task per processor, all executing the same code. This is the SPMD model mentioned above. It is the most popular model today.
The previous program in SPMD and message passing:
if my_proc().eq. 0 then
read b,c,e,g
send (e,g) to 1
receive (d) from 1
print q
else /* my_proc() == 1 */
receive (m,n) from 0
r=f3(h, n)
send (r) to 0
end if
Later in the semester we will study this approach in more detail
One of the most popuar constructs for shared-memory programming is the parallel loop.
Parallel loops are just like any usual iterative statement, such as for or do, except that it doesn't actually iterate. Instead, it says "just get all these things done, in any order, using as many processors as possible."
The number of processors available to the job may be specified or limited in some way, but that's usually outside the domain of the parallel loop construct.
An example of a parallel loop is shown next:
c = sin (d)
forall i=1 to 30
a(i) = b(i) + c
end forall
e = a(20)+ a(15)
Parallel loops are implemented using tasks. For example, the previous program could be translated by the compiler into something similar to the following program:
c = sin (d)
start_task sub(a,b,c,1,10)
start_task sub(a,b,c,11,20)
call sub(a,b,c,21,30)
e = a(20)+ a(15)
subroutine sub(a,b,c,k,l)
for i=k to l
a(i) = b(i) + c
end for
end sub
Notice that, in this program, arrays a and b are shared by the three processors cooperating in the execution of the loop.
This program assigns to each processor a fixed segment of the iteration space. This is called static scheduling.
Scheduling also could be dynamic. Thus, the compiler could generate the following code instead:
c = sin (d)
start_task sub(a,b,c)
start_task sub(a,b,c)
call sub(a,b,c)
e = a(20)+ a(15)
subroutine sub(a,b,c)
logical empty
call get_another_iteration(empty,i)
while .not. empty do
a(i) = b(i) + c
call get_another_iteration(empty,i)
end while
end sub
Here, the get_another_iteration() subroutine accesses a pool containing all n iteration numbers , gets one of them, and removes it from the pool. When all iterations have been assigned, and therefore the pool is empty, the function returns .true. in variable empty .
A third alternative is to have get_another_iteration() return a range of iterations instead of a single iteration:
subroutine sub(a,b,c,k,l)
logical empty
call get_another_iteration(empty,i,j)
while .not. empty do
for k=i to j
a(k) = b(k) + c
end for
call get_another_iteration(empty,i,j)
end while
end sub
Starting a task is usually very time consuming.
For that reason, current implementations of extensions involving parallel loops start a few tasks at the beginning of the program or when the first parallel loop is to be executed.
These tasks, called implicit tasks, will be idle during the execution of the sequential components (that is, outside the parallel loops). The task that starts exectuiton of the program is called the master task. When the master task finds a parallel loop, it awakes the implicit tasks who join in the execution of the parallel loop.
An asternative strategy is to use the SPMD model as illustrated next:
c = sin (d)
call sub(a,b,c,i+1,i+10)
call barrier()
if my_proc() .eq. 0 then
e = a(20)+ a(15)
end if
subroutine sub(a,b,c,k,l)
for i=k to l
a(i) = b(i) + c
end for
end sub
In these languages, array operations are written in a compact form that often makes programs more readable.
do i=1,n
end do
It can be written (in Fortran 90 notation) as follows:
a(1:n) = b(1:n) +c(1:n)
Perhaps the most important array language is Kenneth Iverson's APL, developed around 1960.
A popular array language today is MATLAB.
Although these languages were not developed for parallel computing but rather for expressiveness, they can be used to express parallelism since array operations can be easily executed in parallel.
Thus, all the arithmetic operations (+, -, * /, **) involved in a vector expression can be performed in parallel. Intrinsic reduction functions ,such as sum above, also can be performed in parallel but in a less obvious manner.
Vector operations can be easily executed in parallel using almost any form of parallelism, from pipelining to multicomputers.
Vector programs are easily translated for execution on shared-memory machines. The code segment:
c = sin(d)
a(1:30)=b(2:31) + c
is equivalent to the following code segement:
c = sin (d)
forall i=1 to 30
a(i) = b(i+1) + c
end forall
e = a(20)+ a(15)
Going in the other direction, it is not always simple to transform forall loops into vector operations. For example, how would you transform the following loop into vector form?
forall i=1 to n
if c(i) .eq. 1 then
while a(i) .gt. eps do
a(i) = a(i) - a(i) / c
end while
while a(i) .lt. upper do
a(i) = a(i) + a(i) * d
end while
end if
end forall