Compiler Technology
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a bit of patience, please ... while the text is mostly written, you will notice that the links to actual code don't work. But I'm working on that, honest!

Downloading MAJIC code:

It is not as easy as you might think. The code and the benchmarks are free for the asking, but due to all kinds of legal restrictions, you need to

Instructions for downloading and building MAJIC

MAJIC is not 100% compatible with MATLAB. We were primarily interested in showing how computation can be sped up, and so we stuck to MATLAB 4 kinds of expressions; we do not support cell arrays or object-oriented features of MATLAB. MAJIC doesn't do any graphics either, although it can call up MATLAB to do some rudimentary graphics (mainly for the purpose of checking that the results are correct). There are many other gotchas, too.

Compiling MAJIC is also not a walk in the park. There are two basic options: compiling with, or without, JIT support. Without JIT support you only get the interpreter. There might be several reasons why you would need an interpreter that can tinker with MATLAB code; Vijay uses this option to build his vectorizer.

Compiling MAJIC without JIT support

Without JIT support MAJIC can be built on almost any architecture. You will need: When you have all of these, install MAJIC into a directory and type "configure" and it should auto-configure itself (I hope).

Compiling MAJIC with JIT support

In addition to all of the things listed above, you will a
tcc distribution. However, not all versions will work; I have had to jazz up tcc a little bit to make it work. Even so, I can only make it work on the Solaris platform. I don't have access to DEC MIPS machines, and the SGI MIPS version of tcc fails because of a stupid assembler bug which I haven't had time to fix yet. x86 ... well, just forget it for now. vcode (the part of tcc which generates machine code, originally written by Dawson Engler) is not functional on x86 platforms yet, despite the considerable effort Max put into it.

Compile tcc according to instructions found in the package, and make the compiled tcc executable into your path. Then reconfigure MAJIC - it will detect the presence of tcc and compile with JIT support.

The Benchmarks

Some of these benchmarks have been taken from the book "NUMERICAL METHODS for Mathematics" by John H. Mathews. I have yet to tell him about this! I hope he won't mind. Other benchmarks are courtesy of Richard Bramley of Indiana University, and the same applies there. There are benchmarks whose source I can't find - if you wrote the benchmark and would like to have it removed from this website, please email me! The programs have been mangled to make them compatible with FALCON; the MAJIC project kept the programs mangled because we want to know how we fare compared to FALCON. The program descriptions, however, have not been all changed, which means that you have to take all commments with a pinch of salt.

As a general rule, for benchmark X the driver routine (the one you call from the command line) is called drv_X, and the algorithm (which actually does the processing) is called tst_X. But there are other, anciliary, files that do not conform to this protocol.

Some routines display a running count of the iterations, some don't. In many routines you will find the print statements commented out. This means that MAJIC was already getting speedups to the point where the print statement was taking up a sizable portion of the routine's runtime.

Running the benchmarks: all benchmarks can be run separately by typing the name of their driver into matlab. The benchmark will display its own runtime. If the environment variable DEBUG is set, some of the benchmarks will display a graphic of the results. The graphs will appear on the website for comparison.

If you want to run all benchmarks just call the function run_bmrk.

Description of individual benchmarks

ADAPT: adaptive quadrature of a fixed function


CGOPT: preconditioned conjugate gradient method (diagonal preconditioner)

drv_cgopt.m      (driver)
tst_mat.mat      (contains A and b for solving Ax=b; problem size 420x420)
tst_cgopt.m      (algorithm)

CRNICH: Crank-Nicholson method for solving heat equation (parabolic PDE)

drv_crnich.m     (driver)
tst_cn.mat       (input parameters: problem size m x n = 321 x 321)
tst_crnich.m     (algorithm)
trisys.m         (subroutine to solve a triangular system of equations)

DIRICH: iterative method for solving laplace's equation

drv_dirich.m     (driver)
tst_dirich.mat   (input parameters: limits and tolerances)
f_dirich.m       (boundary conditions, sort of. Ugly hack)
tst_dirich.m     (algorithm)

FINEDIF: simple solution to wave equation (hypebolic PDE)

drv_finedif.m    (driver)
tst_pde.mat      (input parameters: problem size 451 x 451)
tst_finedif.m    (algorithm)

GALRKN: solves Poisson's equation for a two-dimensional dipole

drv_galrkn.m     (driver)
tst_galrkn.mat   (input parameters: number of points etc)
tst_galrkn.m     (algorithm)

ICN: our good friend, the Cholesky factorization

drv_icn.m        (driver)
tst_A.mat        (matrix to factorize: 400 x 400)
tst_icn.m        (algorithm)

MEI: generates a surface, physical meaning unknown.

drv_mei.m        (driver)
tst_mei.mat      (input parameters: limits and resolution)
tst_mei.m        (algorithm)

ORBEC: "one-body problem": plots e.g. the orbit of a comet around the sun.

drv_orbec.m     (driver)
INP_orbec.mat   (input parameters: initial position, speed, n. of time steps)
tst_orbec.m     (algorithm)

ORBRK: same problem as above, but uses a 4th order Runge-Kutta method

drv_orbrk.m     (driver)
INP_orbe.mat    (input parameters)
tst_orbrk.m     (algorithm)
rk4_orb.m       (calculates next state ... RK formula)
gravrk.m        (simulates the gravity pit)

QMR: quasi-minimal relaxation method, for solving linear equations.

drv_qmr.m       (driver)
tst_qmr.m       (input data)
tst_qmr.mat     (algorithm)

SOR: successive overrelaxation method for solving a linear system of equations

drv_sor.m       (driver)
tst_mat.mat     (input data)
tst_sor.m       (algorithm)