Welcome to the FALCON Project
(Fast Array Language COmputatioN)
FALCON is an environment for the rapid prototyping, development, support,
and use of high-performance numerical programs and libraries for scientific
computation. It is being developed at
the Center for Supercomputing
Research and Development, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This environment combines the software techniques from
compilers with the algebraic techniques used by algorithm developers. It
uses MATLAB as the
source language and generates Fortran 90 plus directives for parallelization,
MATLAB, and pC++
as target languages.
Additional Information
Main Research Goals Within the FALCON Project
- Developing static and dynamic inference methods to determine
variable properties (e.g. type, rank, and shape).
- Using structural information about the variables to improve
code performance
- Restructuring the operations by utilizing the algebraic information
for the high-level operations
- Developing mappings between primitives
- Mapping operations to multiple target libraries
Group Members
Faculty Graduate Students
Kyle Gallivan Luiz De Rose
E. Gallopoulos Bret Marsolf
David Padua Carlos Velez-Rivera
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Last Updated: February 2, 1996
Luiz De Rose / derose@csrd.uiuc.edu
Bret Marsolf / marsolf@csrd.uiuc.edu